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Gippsland Food & Wine is committed to providing you with the best customer service experience. We ask that you read the following terms & conditions carefully as they apply to your use of this website
Gippsland Food & Wine is Australian owned and operated. The products, information and other materials within this website contain information sourced from around Australia and around the globe, providing you with the best quality and information. All comments and statements made on this website and corresponding social media sites are based on Gippsland Food & Wine’s personal view only and are not intended as medical or legal advice in anyway.
Gippsland Food & Wine may revise these terms & conditions from time to time to ensure the highest level of protection for our users and to comply with Australian legislation and the Privacy Act 1988.
All material on this Website is owned, operated, licensed or controlled by The Trustee for Gippsland Food & Wine Trust, trading as Gippsland Food & Wine. This includes, but is not limited to images, illustrations, audio clips, and video clips, is protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights which are owned and controlled by us or by other parties that have licensed their material to us.
Material on any website owned, operated, licensed or controlled The Trustee for Gippsland Food & Wine Trust, trading as Gippsland Food & Wine, is solely for your personal, non-commercial use. Such material may not be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, including by e-mail or other electronic means, without the express prior written consent The Trustee for Gippsland Food & Wine Trust, trading as Gippsland Food & Wine.
Use of the materials on any other Website or networked computer environment, or use of the materials for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use is a violation of our copyright, trademarks and proprietary rights and is prohibited.
Gippsland Food & Wine records sufficient personal details when you place an order on our website, to confirm your identity and to ensure we send orders to the correct address. At no time do we record your payment information on our site. When purchasing from Gippsland Food & Wine, your payment details are processed securely by our secure payment gateway which has the highest possible level of security. Our payment gateway will keep a secure record of your payment details until your order is packed and dispatched to assist with any changes to your order.
We reserve the right to use or disclose any information without notice or consent as needed to satisfy any law, regulation or legal request; to conduct investigations of consumer complaints or possible breaches of law; to protect the integrity of our site and our property; to protect the safety of our visitors or others; to fulfil your requests; or to cooperate in any legal investigation.
Whilst Gippsland Food & Wine makes every effort to ensure availability of products shown on this site, there may, occasionally be items unavailable. Where this may occur, we will substitute the product for another with same or greater value.
Baskets, gifts, hampers and extras included in this website that contain alcohol may only be sold to individuals over the age of 18 years. Penalties of $6,000+ apply for supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years. Penalties of $500+ apply for a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor. Upon delivery, proof of age may be requested by the courier driver. Please see our Liquor License Policy
Gippsland Food & Wine will, from time to time offer special promotions and offers. If, for any reason a scheduled promotion or offer is not capable of running as planned, we reserve the right to cancel, modify or suspend the promotion or offer and invalidate any affected entries, or suspend or modify a prize, subject to State or Territory regulation.
Subject to any specific terms or conditions that may be displayed with any prize, gift and/or giveaway at the time they are presented, note when prizes, gifts or giveaway items or the like are offered, displayed or advertised on our Website, it is to full extent permitted by law. Gippsland Food & Wine reserves the right to withdraw the offer of the prizes at any time prior to the time the recipients of the prize are to be drawn or otherwise determined, without notice to you, in the event that we are, for any reason, unable to supply the prizes. In the event that Gippsland Food & Wine are unable to supply the exact gifts and/or giveaway items displayed to you for any reason, we may supply in it/their place an alternative item of a similar nature and value and the supply of the alternative items will be in complete satisfaction of obligation to the recipient's in respect of the gift's and/or giveaway items, to the extent permitted by law.
Our deliveries are made by a Third Party Courier, see our Delivery Info for more details!
Bulk orders must be approved in writing by the customer with agreement to payment terms.
Orders are accepted on the condition that the goods will be produced and invoiced at the price ruling at the date the goods are despatched. The Customer shall make payment to Gippsland Food & Wine according to the due date on the invoice. The customer acknowledges that any breach of payment terms will enable Gippsland Food & Wine to exercise its rights to cancel the order and take legal action for the recovery of monies outstanding.
Credit card payments may attract a processing fee of up to 2%. No fees apply for direct deposit payments; however, orders will not be processed until payment is received. The Customer shall not be entitled to withhold payment of any sums after they become due by reason of counter claim.
No bulk order will be put into processing or production until payment has been received in full.
In the event that the Customer specifies a delivery date, Gippsland Food & Wine will use its best endeavours to comply with the Customers request. In no circumstances will Gippsland Food & Wine be liable for any loss or damages in the event that it is not able to comply with the customer’s request for delivery at a certain time. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that it will not make a claim against Gippsland Food & Wine where preferred delivery dates are not met.
Orders placed with Gippsland Food & Wine cannot be cancelled without written acknowledgement and approval. In the event that Gippsland Food & Wine accepts the cancellation of any order placed, we shall be entitled to charge a reasonable fee for any work completed on behalf of the Customer to the date of the cancellation and may include fees for processing, cancellation and restocking.
The Website may contain areas where Gippsland Food & Wine encourages input from our consumer base. Gippsland Food & Wine is not obliged to moderate any material submitted to the website or social media pages including but not limited to spelling and grammar, any material which may offend or be deemed irrelevant or unfavourable. Gippsland Food & Wine reserves the right to remove any material for any reason and may restrict, suspend or terminate the use of our website and social media channels where we believe it has been misused and is in breach of the agreement. In participating, you consent to all relevant acts or omissions in relation to any person's ethical rights in their material which may or might otherwise constitute a breach or infringement of those rights and, to the extent permitted by law, waives their ethical rights in the material.
Furthermore, we ask that all participants are respectful and considerate of their interactions. We will not permit any kind of bullying or acts of misconduct on our sites.
Gippsland Food & Wine endeavours to ensure that sites linked to and/or from our website are relevant, however we are not responsible for the content on any external sites and therefore cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage related to the use of any information contained in these sites.
Your use of the Website is at your own risk. To the extent permitted by law, neither Gippsland Food & Wine nor any party involved in creating, producing or delivering the Website accepts any liability for the accuracy or inclusiveness of the information contained on the Website, whether or not the Owner is aware of such errors or omissions. Furthermore, neither Gippsland Food & Wine nor any party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the website bear any responsibility for any errors, omissions, defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any user of the Website.
If you have any questions regarding the terms, conditions, shipping & delivery, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call (03) 5634 2451.
Thank you for visiting Gippsland Food & Wine.